Friday, September 24, 2010

LETTER: Puerto Seguro Update

From the Director of Puerto Seguro
As you know, Puerto Seguro has been awarded a sum of financial help through the county. Unfortunately, this sum has been reduced by one half.
We at Puerto Seguro attempt to budget wisely, and to insure that our finances are sufficient to assist people in need.  This is very difficult when we face financial cuts, as it removes our ability to care for the homeless and people in need in a manner that will help sustain them during hard times. We offer this service, as well as referrals, to help people better their lives, and become self-sufficient. We also help those who have been thrown into a turmoil due to tragic events in their lives.
Over the past month we have assisted two displaced families who have lost their homes due to economic hardship. We have assisted one of these families with employment referrals, and they are on the right path. This will take some time and effort on their part, but this situation looks promising. The other family has been able to apply for SSI assistance and get their children enrolled in the public school system. We have been blessed to provide them with temporary housing and clothing, and they also seem to be headed on the right track.
We had an unfortunate case a couple weeks ago, where a young woman needed transportation to her family home in Louisiana. She was here in New Mexico with her fiancee, and he took his life while she was present. Totally devastated, she contacted her brother, who in turn contacted us. We put this young lady in a hotel for four nights, and purchased a one way airline ticket to Louisiana for her.
These are the types of situations that we deal with on a daily basis, and without support, these people would be in a state of hopelessness. This causes bad choices and possibly anti-social behavior.
I, for one, am so glad that we're here and so grateful for people who are willing to help finance our mission. My concern at this time, is a rough and cold winter, and the lack of resources to help people through it.
Thank you for all you do.

Duane Baker, Director
Puerto Seguro Inc.

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