Thursday, February 4, 2010

LETTER: ‘Socialistic?’

To the editor:
I read with frustration a recent letter describing federal health care legislation as “socialistic.” Que lastima, forgive him Lord, for he knows naught what he speaks.
Socialism, per se, has existed in the U.S. since before 1776, with formation of the colonial state militias. Before 1800, Alexander Hamilton is credited with initiating the Federal Reserve banking system, which now protects our savings when banks fail. Both are socialistic.
Folks, the following are a few examples of existing socialism we cannot do without: electric co-op, garbage pick-up, sewage and water systems, public schools, police, health inspections, post office, military, unemployment compensation, Social Security, Medicare, more and more.
FYI, “capitalism” is trickle down economics, Republican right wing, business first; whereas “socialism” is trickle up economics, Democrat left wing, people first.
Please ignore the political kaka de toro and always [know] what’s best for the disadvantaged because after all little children need food, clothing, shelter, love and medical care don’t they?
In closing let me add this: our United States of America is the only western industrialized nation of the world without universal health insurance for all its citizens.

Charlie Hartwell

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