Thursday, February 4, 2010

LETTER: Help In Datil

To the editor:
Everyone around here has said that the amount of snowfall is really quite unusual this year. What I have found unusual is the amount of help and reaching out people have done here in Sugarloaf. I am originally from New Jersey, where people don’t know their neighbors very well, nor do they check on people.
There were only two days last week that gave us the opportunity to get to Socorro for necessities. We thought we could get out on Tuesday but the snow was too deep, my car is a Toyota Corolla, and the SUV’s battery was dead. Our neighbor made it out and brought back groceries for us. Then the next day he brought his tractor over and plowed the drive, then lent us a charger to charge the battery so we could get to Socorro ourselves.
Maybe this isn’t news in the vein that usually makes news but I appreciate all of the friendly, caring, and wonderful people I have met in Datil, especially Sugarloaf. When I describe what life is like out here to my friends and family back east they cannot understand the beauty of this place, and considerate nature of the community. Small things make a world of difference daily, whether it is the joke I hear at the post office or the friendliness at the new cafĂ© where they know our names, I deeply appreciate and express gratitude for being able to live here.

Shirley Edmonson

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