Thursday, April 8, 2010


To the editor,
The Informational meeting held March 27, introduced Trustee sponsored propositions to oppose and conflict with propositions passed by members at two district meetings in October 2009, which are to be ratified by the vote of the majority of the members present at the Annual Meeting of April 17, 2010. The actions of the members, by vote of the majority of those present, are official acts of those district meetings and are in keeping with the exclusive authority conferred upon, and reserved to the members by state law and the by laws of SEC. At the possible expense of boring your readers please allow me to point out the laws, which are: “The New Mexico Electric Cooperative Act, (62-15-7) Bylaws”, states, “The original bylaws of a cooperative shall be adopted by its board of trustees. Thereafter bylaws shall be adopted, amended or repealed by the majority of the members present at any regular annual meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, a quorum being present … and the bylaw’s Article V. Trustees, Section 1. General Powers, permits trustees to exercise all powers of the Cooperative, Except those conferred upon or reserved to the members.” By their actions, the trustees once again exceed their authority, violate the law and by laws, and show contempt for the members who elected them.
Proper cooperatives work to serve their member/owner interest. When the interest of the trustees come first and are opposed to those of the member/owners (the cooperative corporation) those trustees violate their trust. If the co-op’s attorney does not point this out to the board, perhaps a court will.

Charlie Wagner, Trustee
Socorro Electric Cooperative

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