Thursday, April 15, 2010

LETTER: Public Safety

To The Editor:
As a representative of Probation Parole and Community Supervision Officers, of the Seventh Judicial District, I would like to take advantage of ‘National Public Safety Telecommunications Week’, April 11-17, 2010 to say “Thank you” to the professionals whose decision-making and communications skills often make a life-saving difference in an emergency situation.
Probation Parole and Community Supervision Offi-cers, along with various agencies within the City and County of Socorro, recognize the hard working, dedicated individuals who perform the job duties of the telecommunicator-the voice on the 9-1-1 telephone line, and the radio that provides guidance, comfort, and instructions to those in need. We thank you for the hard work, the long hours, weekends, and holidays you work to ensure police, fire, and medical assistance can be provided to the citizen’s you serve.
On behalf of a grateful community, I thank you for helping to make the community a better place to live and work. As we honor you during this ‘National Public Safety Telecommunicat-ions Week,” I wish each and every one of you the very best.

Hilario J. Bernal
Juvenile Probation Parole Officer
American Probation Parole Officer Association

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