Thursday, February 11, 2010

OPINION: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Magdalena Potluck
By Margaret Wultshire

Don loves the library here in Magdalena. It’s the one thing he’ll spontaneously get out of bed for. Stage and theater people are not known as early risers, Don Wiltshire is no exception.
While our librarian, Lucy Pino, is having some eye problems corrected, Don has been spending more time at the library than usual. I’m writing more columns.
We all hope Lucy is on the mend by the time the paper is out.
Love your village? Come to the library Saturday, Feb. 27. From 4p.m. to 6 p.m., you will have a chance to meet, question and support candidates for Mayor and trustee positions.
So what are you doing for Valentine’s day?
Going to the dance at the Bear Mountain Café?
Baking something special, or shopping for special treats?
Writing notes of love.
Love is best when it is a verb and not a noun. This idea opened to me one lonely season. It has made a great difference. I was in deep dark emotional pain and had feelings of being without hope (of love).
Love is not something to have, to get, to keep; Love is something to do. Anyone can do it, anytime, anywhere. There is no reason to be without, ever. If you are afraid of people, love the earth or an animal.
Dogs know love is a verb. Being loved is like a warm fuzzy puppy because that’s what they do. Giving love is as close to heaven and earth as you can get.
Speaking of dogs to love. Diane Allen (854-2601) or Janice Bruncini (854-3450) may have word on some puppies or dogs available for some good loving.
Our wonderful dog Abby was dropped in the village as a puppy.
I’m sad sometimes people drop so many animals here. I know there are circumstances that make keeping puppies or dogs difficult sometimes.
It’s best to plan a head and not have them. Second best to give the animal a safe shot at a good life at an animal shelter. Some animals dropped here don’t make it. Those who do, do so because this is a loving village.
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” said Mother Theresa. If ALL the churches, all the nations, all the villages and all the families and each of us could take this to heart it could be heaven on earth. It’s not the “bad” guys doing us in, it’s the judging.
“Judge ye not, lest ye be judged” is a comment from the Bible.
Unfortunately the Bible that gave us the ten commandments and many good pieces of wisdom was written by men.
These different men contradict themselves. There’s you shall not kill just a few lines before the golden calf worshipers were slaughtered by the thousands.
Of course, people who judge are also pretty good at justification. They seem to have a hard time finding the truth of something. That does explain why they judge.
Judging not only gets in the way of loving; it’s a short step to hating. Those who judge often will tell others they have to “earn” their love.
Spare yourself despair, longing, rejection and a low self image if someone tells you to “earn” their love. Justice may be blind; but self proclaimed judges seem quite blind.
They are judging to begin with because they are not sure what is “good” or isn’t. They don’t have a clue. They want control. They are willing to “rape” humanity to get control.
If someone judges you unworthy of their love, just say “thank you.” Move on. What they really want to prove is that they are more worthy of love, respect than you are. In other words, they want to find love, a noun, and not “do” love.
Jesus loves me this I know, unless I grow up gay. Bull. That’s not the message I got. You can find what you want in the Bible it has THAT many contradictions. What you find tells you about you, not God.
Love, just do it, you’ll like it. Margaret Wiltshire’s views do not necessairly represent those of the Mountain Mail.


1 comment:

  1. pretty good at justification. They seem to have a hard time finding the truth of something. That does explain why they judge.
    Judging not sbo
    แทงบอลonly gets in the way of loving; it’s a sho
